Your generosity even in the face of what your body is going through.... 💜 You're awesome Bek, thank you

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Thank you! And thank you for always finding ways to believe in me even if I am having trouble with it!

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Life really is shit sometimes for absolutely no reason. I hope you can find a way to navigate this ship you’ve been forced aboard. I have had CFS for 35 years (early adopter, go me) and am currently being punished for a trip to Vietnam with a massive flare-up, meaning any activity exhausts me and I’m sleeping a lot. No writing going on because I’m also a piano accompanist and have a concert to play at in less than two weeks. Fortunately, current deadlines are not pressing. Thus, I practice then sleep. Thank God for my husband or I’d starve and have to set up a tent in the park. Pianos are bitches to move. But I know I’ll get better and return to my normal level of energy eventually. I’ve learned to be patient; not much choice. I’m not asking for sympathy, just letting you know I understand the struggle and frustration. Go as well as you can Bek.

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I can hear the realness and the faint tinkle of ironic yet musical laughter in your comment, Rose. The kind of conversation and bittersweet musical lilt only a person with an experience of the rougher end of life's pineapple can deliver. Thank you so much for sharing not only your story, but also that resigned-but-still-fighting vibe you've got going on. I very much appreciate it. I hope the flare subsides soon.


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