Related to this pretty hard Bek. These kinds of days seem to occur all to often and somewhat correlate to my experience of perimenopause. Like a hormonal magnifier of (what are usually) small, surmountable insecurities projected onto my squishy frontal lobe. Thanks for including ways out. I might try some.
Glad it resonated with you. I think hormones and nerve reactions and disability all influence this. I know since the frozen shoulder and arthritis turned up, nerve pain makes me incredibly emotional! Oh how our bodies wash us in seas of doubt! May the tide recede soon enough for you. <3
Related to this pretty hard Bek. These kinds of days seem to occur all to often and somewhat correlate to my experience of perimenopause. Like a hormonal magnifier of (what are usually) small, surmountable insecurities projected onto my squishy frontal lobe. Thanks for including ways out. I might try some.
Glad it resonated with you. I think hormones and nerve reactions and disability all influence this. I know since the frozen shoulder and arthritis turned up, nerve pain makes me incredibly emotional! Oh how our bodies wash us in seas of doubt! May the tide recede soon enough for you. <3