Ooo, got me in the feels, this one.

... says she, looking at Scrivener and Notes folders stuffed full of ideas and one-line concepts and specific answers to specific questions in very specific Facebook groups (if you want a treatise on how to treat red mite in chookpens, or how to alleviate the barking of Maremmas, I'm yer woman ... ).

I want nothing more than a week. Two weeks. A month. to just write, to get it all out there for ... mostly, to be honest, for me to able to link to today or tomorrow or next year, just to say "I thought of this first and I wrote it down so there nyah".

Of course, when I set aside that time, I freeze in front of the screen. SO much to write. I should just take the dozens and scores of quick content and schedule them for regular publishing on Substack.

Instead, I launch into the topic that needs research and cross-checking and won't be finished yet.

And let's not even talk about the fictiony, fantastical, sci-fi-ish snippets that might be gathering pace into an actual Story that could become a Book if I ever got myself together.

I like writing almost more than anything else, I think. Second only to the glorious, productive mindlessness of gardening. Audience? My own brain.

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Yeah totally, you should! Or dump 'em in a Word doc and pick em out. Or make collages with them and photograph them and post the picture.

Just get it out!

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It’s always a pleasure to read your writing Bek, particularly when you let it flow like this.

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Thank you! Sometimes, it just uses me to pass through!

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