No more f*cks to give
For those times when you're working on a freelance client project and you've lost the ability to care.
Got a client that’s over-egging the project that never seems to end?
You need a "FUCKS JAR"
Before you start the editing process, fill a bowl with little wooden tokens called FUCKS. Grab a clean sauce jar from the recycling.
Every time you care enough to:
1) Make the edit
2) Challenge the comment
3) Stand up for the project against whackadooness
4) Have to ask a question
5) End up stuck in their internal power struggles
Take one fuck from the bowl and drop it in the sauce jar.
Do it again, again, again, and again until all the little fucks from your bowl are in the jar.
1) Pop the lid on the jar
2) Put the jar in a box with wherever you get to with the document and your final invoice
3) Mail the jar to the client
Voila! Job sorted.