Freelance arrival fallacy
Are you prisoner to freelance arrival fallacy? Check in and see where that desire to achieve all the things is really coming from.
Freelance arrival fallacy*:
The hope that if you achieve the next level up in your freelancing, you’ll arrive at a freelance nirvana where you struggle no longer. Only to find that each new level brings:
Little emotional relief
More responsibility
Increased workload
New struggles
A hunger for the another challenge that’ll fix things
Usually comes in the freelance form of:
Chasing income and an earnings fixation
Fancy new lead gen ideas
Expensive memberships
Big development projects
A carnival of ideas
New iterations, businesses, or projects
‘Betting the farm on’ investments of time, money, energy
Remedies not related to creation include:
Facing where the dissatisfaction and problems come from
Deep work on your self-image and self-worth
Learning to love and value the process over the outcome
Making hard decisions about your freelance future
Challenging how you feel about achievement and the desire to ‘win’ at life
Unpacking the influence of ‘all-or-nothing’ thinking on your decision-making
Setting goals and viewing their impact that are realistic
Choosing to live by your values
Asking yourself why the lifeboat from now to the future is necessary
Enjoying the opportunities for what they bring in the present
Not worrying about what other people think
Loving yourself and the value you add to the world
Practicing gratitude
Redefining your ideas of success, contentment, and a worthwhile existence (no biggy!)
Image: Are you prisoner to freelance arrival fallacy?
*Based on the concept of arrival fallacy.